“In a world consumed by consumerism, never feel the need to justify your creativity” – Clare Nicholson





Every Thursday evening, 6-9pm (Feb 8-March 28, 2024)

Every Sunday morning, 10am – 1pm (Feb 11 – March 31, 2024) 


Come and learn from an internationally exhibiting sculptor in a beautiful and highly supportive professional art studio.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or experienced at sculpting, but would like to take your sculptural skills, material or technical understanding further, come and join this class!  Select your own project or, if you’re new to sculpting, let me know what you envisage and I’ll collaboratively design a unique project with you to build on your skills.

Classes are small, allowing for optimum tuition and much individual attention.

Price includes a block of Keanes white Earthenware 37 clay, chai and light refreshments.

Price: $660

An excellent range of quality studio tools and equipment are available for your use. Tools are also available for sale at very reasonable prices should you prefer this (along with additional clay).  You will be allocated a shelf to store your work and materials between classes. 



Please wear enclosed shoes and old clothes.

Please bring images to use as reference if you have a project in mind 


Firing services for enrolled students only. Prices:

$10/kg per bisque firing.

$15/kg per full bisque to mid firing.

$160 full kiln (150L) 

At this, stage glazing is not available, but I can supply contact details of a range of glazing and firing services to you as an alternative option. 

Please don’t hesitate to Contact me with any questions, or to secure your place. 




If you require mouldmaking (silicone, plaster, latex) or sculpting tuition, please contact me to discuss. 




Anatomical watercolour classes $120 each for 1 guest, $110 each for 2 or more guests when booking together.

Workshops customised for 3 or more guests at $110 each. 

All quality materials & light refreshments included.


Create this watercolour of a human skull!































Dates tba

Wire drawing workshop $220 each for 1 guest, $210 each for 2 or more guests when booking together.

All quality materials & light refreshments included to create 2 wire sculptures mounted on wood block.

Wire drawing workshops can be customised for 4 or more guests. Please contact me. 



Residential Sculpture & Mouldmaking workshop:

As a New Caledonian based artist with no teaching facilities available, I was thrilled to find Clare and do a 10-day residential immersive sculpture & mould making workshop in her studio . We covered some serious technical, methodological and material ground! The cherry on the cake was the great ambiance, food, gardens and Billy, the dog. Clare really put in the effort to make me welcome. Thank you Clare for giving me that whip-lash learning pace in such a great environment … INTENSIVE & GREAT !! Biz  SG

8-week Sculpture & Mouldmaking course:

Clare is an extremely gifted teacher and talented artist. I had the privilege of attending two of Clare’s courses and can’t recommend them highly enough. Student’s worked at various artistic levels, independently under her tutelage. They sculpted in clay and made moulds in plaster, latex and silicon for casting in slip, wax, gypsum, aluminium and concrete. I learnt to work with wax and also made a 12-part plaster mould for slip for a postgraduate research project. Would I attend more workshops with Clare? Absolutely, YES! MG

Anatomical Watercolour class

I had such a great time taking Clare’s class . She is so didactic, encouraging and has established such a great rapport with us students 🙂 I’m not very artistic but Clare has really encouraged me to connect with my creativity and to develop my art work in my own pace and form. Thank you, Clare. MS.


HSC students

With in-depth knowledge of the NSW Department of Education Board of Studies Visual Art syllabus, Clare is able to help students extend their practical artmaking skills and conceptual art theory criticism in order that they excel in the HSC.  With an emphasis on curriculum objectives, outcomes and the need to apply higher order critical thinking to art, Clare fosters an exploration of the conceptualisation of ideas and the representation of those ideas through the artwork.

Being aware that art theory is often the stumbling block for many students, Clare has designed art theory educational resources that have been implemented in various high schools as highly affective teaching tools.  These resources enable students to deconstruct the visual image, whilst succinctly teaching  ‘The Frames’ as defined within the HSC course and have become invaluable towards students learning how to discuss images- including communicating their intentions in their own artwork.

Tuition is delivered within an extremely supportive learning environment, where students are encouraged to explore the intellectualisation of ideas and artmaking. Tuition takes place at Clare’s Inner West Sydney studio or at the student’s home if their body of work is not easily transportable (or students prefer this option). Please don’t hesitate to call Clare on 0402 526 087 or send a message via the contact page.



© 2023 Clare Nicholson